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May 19, 2019

Community Group Questions

1 John 1:5-7 | May 19, 2019

  1. We started off this reading in verse 5 where John says this message was not from himself but from God and that God is light. Why is it so important for us to see the Bible is God’s Word as apposed to man’s? We also learned that this tells us God is perfect, holy, righteous and pure. Why is it important to remember God is all these things?

  2. In verse 6 Scripture says that if we walk in darkness while professing fellowship with God, that we do not “practice the truth.” What is the difference between knowing the truth and practicing truth? Is this passage saying we are saved by works?

  3. Verse 7 continues, if we walk in the light (practice the truth) then we truly have fellowship with God, and Jesus’ blood cleanses is from all sin. All sin, past, present, and future! What does this mean for you?

  4. In the discussion of practicing or not practicing truth, Nate explained the difference between an unrepentant sinner willingly living in sin, and a justified believer trapped in a body of flesh but is characterized by obedience. What does this difference look like played out in the world. What sin do you need to confess and repent of?