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March 3, 2024

Read Eph. 5:8-14 to remind yourselves of the text preached this morning. By way of reminder, what is an "indicative" and what is an "imperative?" And how do those two terms relate to the Christian? How do they relate to God and His Word? What does it mean for our "practice" to match our "position" as followers of Christ? What are the two imperatives given to believers...

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February 25, 2024

Deuteronomy 6:1-151. We started by talking about v 4 and the declaration of God's name. One of the major points was that while living among people who worshipped multiple false gods, the one true God declared that there is one God. This belief would make God's people distinct from other people. What are the false gods of our day that compete for our worship? In what ways a...

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February 18, 2024

Ephesians 5:8-10 Read Eph. 5:8-10 to remind yourselves of the text preached this morning. What is an "indicative" in Scripture? What is an "imperative" in Scripture? What is the difference between the two, and how are they related? What were you formerly before the light of Christ shone upon you? How does someone bask or enjoy the light of Jesus Christ? Has anyone, o...

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February 11, 2024

Ephesians 5:5-7 What about today's sermon bothered or encouraged you? Why are the warnings in Scripture loving and kind? Discuss how you can tangibly exhibit Christlike love towards those enslaved to sin. How can we, practically, be a light to those hostile towards the truth proclaimed in Ephesians 5:5-7? Who is an individual from MBC who exemplifies how to interact ...

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February 4, 2024

Ephesians 5:4 Continual expressions of gratitude to God with our lips encourage fellow followers of Christ. Share an example of you being built up in the faith by another believer's gratitude to God. Many falsely believe that speech modification by the power of man and not heart transformation by the power of God is the key to improving the quality of one's speech. How...

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January 28, 2024

Today was Vision Sunday, what is the "Vision Statement" of MBC? How is Romans 10:8-14 related to MBC's Vision Statement, and how have these verses helped inspire that statement? How is 2 Timothy 3:16-17 related to that statement? During Vision Sunday, Bob Warriner is bringing brought on to direct Children's ministry and biblical counseling. Why is biblical counseling im...

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January 21, 2024

Acts 20:17-38 1. Pastor Matt started the message by encouraging us to pray for Pastor Nate's back. Take an opportunity to pray for him with your group. 2. Paul's humility is on full display in this passage as he seeks to make much of Christ and little of himself. How can we learn from this and grow in humility? 3. Paul's mission was to make known the gospel and humbled ...

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January 14, 2024

Ephesians 5:3 1. What are some of the ways you see sexual immorality practiced in the world? 2. "We are not perfect, we are forgiven." What are ways that this is misused, and what is the proper way to understand this in light of our relationship to Christ? 3. When you imitate Christ, relationships flourish. How? 4. Sexual immorality, impurity, and covetousness are to h...

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January 7, 2024

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 1. How was hope defined in the sermon according to scripture? 2. How is the hope found in scripture different from the hope found in the world? 3. What does it mean to have a living hope? What does hope in Jesus provide? 4. How does the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ provide hope for people like you and me? 5. How can we be sure of this...

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December 31, 2023

1. Read Matthew 2:1-12. 2. What do you think the presence of the wise men in Jerusalem after the birth of the Messiah says about God's glory? 3. Why do you think King Herod and all of Jerusalem were "disturbed" and not happy to hear about the birth of the King of the Jews? What are some things that make people disturbed to hear the good news of Jesus today? 4. Wha...

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