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July 30, 2023

Ephesians 4:1 Why is Eph. 4:1 such an important verse in the structure of Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus? What we truly believe dictates how we behave. Share some examples of how you seen this principal demonstrated in your own life and the lives of others. Why does Paul want the saints at Ephesus to remember who they are in Christ by the grace of God as he in...

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July 23, 2023

Community Group Questions for July 23, 2023...

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July 16, 2023

Ephesians 3:14-19 How do you approach God in prayer? Do you approach Him as Paul does--worshipfully, with humility, and with a high view of God? Do you pray for the church? Do you pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ often? How does Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3:14-19, emphasize the importance of praying for the church? How can you be praying for MBC? For the ...

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July 9, 2023

Ephesians 3:8-13 Paul was in jail in Rome when he wrote this letter, yet he doesn't want the Ephesians to lose heart in his suffering. When Paul says he wasthe very least of all the saints, he was being genuine. From a former persecutor of Christians to now being an Apostle, we see from Paul that God can transform and use anyone he chooses. If you think Christ can't save ...

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July 2, 2023

Ephesians 3:1-7 One of the first things talked about on Sunday was that this section covers a lot of topics that have already been coveredso it serves as a reminder of truths in many ways. So for you, what are some of the truths that stick out to you so far from the book of Ephesians? In Ephesians 3:1 3:7, what stands out to you about Paul's description of himself and...

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June 25, 2023

Ephesians 2:19-22 What is reconciliation and how was it accomplished on behalf of all followers of Christ? Explain both horizontal and vertical reconciliation Followers of Christ, have access to God from anywhere, at any time, with anything. Share a time when you experienced this truth in a powerful way. Followers of Christ are: citizens of God's Kingdom,...

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June 18, 2023

Ephesians 2:16-18 We started by walking through the statement: Our only hope is found in Jesus.How can simple statements like this be useful for us to remember gospel essentials? What are other statements or passages that help you remember gospel truths? In v. 16, we talked about how for all people reconciliation to God is only in Jesus Christ. What changes when we b...

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June 11, 2023

Ephesians 2:14-15 1. In Ephesians 2:14, "in his flesh" is a reference to the death of Christ on the cross. By dying on the cross, Christ achieved peace between Jews and Gentiles and so removed the source of their hostility with one another. What was the source of this hostility, and what does it mean for it to be abolished? 2. In what sense are Jewish and Gentile believe...

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June 4, 2023

Ephesians 2:11-13 1. List everything that Paul tells the Ephesians to remember in verse 12. In your opinion, which of the these seems most severe and why? 2. How does Paul describe their life prior to Christ? How does that description differ from Ephesians 2:1-3? 3. Who was "the circumcision" and why were they calling the Gentiles "the uncircumcision"? 4. From wh...

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May 28, 2023

Judges 3:12 30 What details stood out from today's narrative? What did you find humorous or gruesome? Why does God discipline His people for their sin? What were some particulars mentioned about Ehud that you learned or found fascinating? The Israelites spent 18 years under the tyranny of King Eglon before they cried out to the LORD; what prevents us from calling ou...

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